Goodbyes and What They’re Good For— Part 4: A Blessing

Art Man

Outside Waterstones on Fountain Street,

I took a seat on the bench opposite.

Removed my sketchbook from my bag, 

Ready for another draw.

I studied the shopfront for a bit,

Slightly nervous to start.

Line by line

The picture forms

Just like one of those books through the glass.

Thousands of lines

Building up a story

Or in my case, a drawing.

Thousands of little lines

Constructing a bigger picture.

All the people we meet, 

Creating our world,

Like this guy who is about to approach me,

“Hey, don’t forget to sign your work at the end!

I’m an artist too. You never know, 

It could be worth something someday!”

“Will do”, I replied with a smile.

He wondered off down the street

With his little briefcase in hand.

Thanks, man.

Two lines that made my story

A wee bit more positive.

My Hopeful Heart

My heart drops like an anchor

Whenever I leave those I love.

Such an unfair feeling,

Saying goodbye.

I find myself waiting for the next time.

Although, tomorrow doesn't have to promise us anything,

I sit with a hopeful heart nonetheless.

And therein lies the one good thing about tough goodbyes:


You’re Here

As the years go by,

I often ask how and why

They seem to fly.

But I don’t believe 

There exists an answer that can please

Questions such as these.

And even if there was, 

Why would it matter?

All I’ve figured out is

You’re not here to know everything,

You’re here to experience being.

I may not be able to comprehend

Every little thing and thought

But I will try my best to understand,

To be a friend,

To lend a hand.

So find your path,

It won’t be long.

Your heart will pound out 

When it hears the right song.

You’ll know when you need to

And you’ll do what is right,

So stop all that worrying,

It’s gonna be alright.

Not Just The End

I told the world I hate goodbyes,

In response,

It merely laughed in my face

And mockingly made you leave without 

Saying the word.

Instead, you told me

We’re not something you regret

Or want to forget

And yet, 

In the same sentence, 

You drained our light and

Bled away into the night.

I told the world I hate goodbyes,

In response, 

It taught me why.

Because if I didn't let go

Of these people

And these places, 

I would be disgracing my soul, 

Starving it of new experience.

Goodbyes aren’t just the end, 

They are a beginning too.


Goodbyes and What They’re Good For— Part 3: A Loss